Recent Projects
Holcim is preparing to construct and operate a lightweight aggregate (LWA) processing operation at the existing facility in South Bend Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (South Bend Mine). The proposed project includes material handling equipment, a natural gas fired kiln and associated air pollution control equipment to produce lightweight aggregate. LWA is a type of coarse aggregate that is used in the production of lightweight concrete products such as concrete block, structural concrete, and other construction products. Raw materials typically include clay, shale or slate which is first crushed and screened to the desired size. To produce lightweight aggregate, the raw material is expanded to about twice its original volume in a rotary kiln.
Organic Remedies Expansion Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program Project
Completion of this RACP project will enable Organic Remedies Inc. to provide an adequate supply of medication to qualified medical marijuana patients in Pennsylvania, as well as drive down cost for the medication and allow patients to have access to local, affordable healthcare. Organic Remedies is the state-approved Clinical Registrant partner of Philadelphia Collee of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM). PCOM and Organic Remedies will collaborate to research therapeutic applications of medical marijuana. PCOM has developed a research program that will contribute data and insights into medical marijuana's use across populations, its impact on behavioral health and quality of life, and the drug's therapeutic potential for the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain and opioid use disorder. The product produced as a result of the operations of the project will positively impact the health and wellbeing of thousands of Pennsylvanians suffering from opioid addiction, chronic pain, and debilitating medical condition.
The Organic Remedies Expansion Project will entail putting an addition onto our existing building located at 305 N. Old Stonehouise Road, Carlisle, PA 17015. The addition will be approximately 200,000 square feet and will house a mother room and nursery, 3 additional growing rooms, plus additional support spaces and more parking.